Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Analysis: Why Hezbollah is sitting out Gaza conflict

A flurry of violence hit Gaza Tuesday as Israel bombed a Gaza bank and targeted the homes of militants. Hamas responded with more than 100 rockets. NBC's Richard Engel reports.

By Robert Windrem, NBC News senior investigative producer

Mohammed Zaatari / AP file

Hezbollah supporters fix the party's flag on top of their rockets near the southern port city of Tyre, Lebanon, in this July 2007 photo.


For a week, Israel and Hamas have engaged in a war in and around Gaza, one in which thousands of rockets and bombs have been expended, scores have died, and tens of thousands have been forced to take cover. But to the north in Lebanon, Hezbollah, the Islamic militia that rained destruction on Israel in a 2006 war, held its fire. Why?

The consensus among U.S. government analysts and academic experts is that Hezbollah, which?has controlled the Lebanese government for more than four years,?believes discretion is the better part of valor. As it has in the past, as in Israel's Cast Lead Operation against Hamas at the end of 2008, Hezbollah decided against creating a diversion that would have helped its like-minded but only sometime ally.

Roger Cressey, NBC News analyst and former deputy counterterrorism director for the National Security Council, notes that Hezbollah is now essentially the government in Lebanon and has different responsibilities, different agendas. "There has never been a correlation between events in Gaza and Hezbollah's strategic decision-making," says Cressey.

That doesn't mean Hezbollah wants to make peace with Israel, just that it's biding its time, and more importantly that, in the words of more than one analyst, "it has no dog in this fight."

"Hezbollah is now the party in control of the Lebanese government," Dr. Robert Danin, Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow, told journalists in a conference call Tuesday. "That has a way of moderating one's behavior. If they attacked Israel, they know they would be taking the state of Lebanon to war."

Danin said Israel has made the distinction known to Hezbollah.

So Hezbollah is working off its own timetable, say analysts. The group has several equities it must be concerned about: Its political position in Lebanon, where as noted it is part of the governing party; the stability of one of its biggest protectors, the Assad regime in Damascus; and uncertainty over the political future in Iran, which has been its main protector and weapons supplier.

US seeks ?durable outcome? in Gaza truce talks, Clinton says in Israel

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is attempting to bring about a ceasefire, or to prevent Israel from invading Gaza while convincing Egypt's president to pressure Hamas to stop firing rockets. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.

"Hezbollah's focus is elsewhere," added Danin. "Its relationship with Iran, its relationship with the Assad regime ... Hezbollah is in a very vulnerable position. Without Syria, it would lose its lifeline to Iran."

If a Sunni government emerges in Syria, it would make Hezbollah's control of Lebanon even more complicated, even tenuous.? "It is ironic that with instability in Jordan and trouble in Gaza, Israel's border with Lebanon is its most stable," Danin said.

In short, say analysts, the bar is set high for Hezbollah to get directly involved in the Gazan conflict ... with one exception: Hezbollah might move if it felt its arsenal of more than 40,000 rockets and missiles was threatened.

Both Israel and Hezbollah have to know that the success of the Iron Dome anti-rocket and missile system could, in the long term, dilute the value of that stockpile and could make Israel more confident in pursuing the Lebanese group. ?

Violence continues in Israel and Gaza amid hopes of cease-fire

That is unlikely happen for a while. Danin explained that Iron Dome, which has been so successful in knocking down Hamas rockets, is not designed to take out the long-range rockets and missiles in the Hezbollah arsenal. However, Israel does have a follow-on system, known as Magic Wand, based on the same basic technology, which could be effective against Hezbollah's rockets and missiles. Problem is that it won't be ready until 2015.

"Iron Dome would not have the same kind of effectiveness against Hezbollah's arsenal," added Danin. But that arsenal were used against Israel, "Hezbollah knows it would pay a high price."

Americans tied to Israel caught in the chaos of Gaza conflict

What about unleashing the Islamic Jihad Organization rather than rockets and missiles? "No reason to unleash the IJO in support of events in Gaza," said Cressey. It wouldn't be very effective and "they know they will pay a significant price."

There are other reasons for Hezbollah not to take such risky action, say both Danin and Cressey. As Cressey points out, Hamas is Palestinian, while Hezbollah is Lebanese.? So their missions are different, even if their animosity toward Israel is the same.?

Bottom line on Hezbollah for Cressey: ?They will only take only action if it's in their organization's strategic interest, and events in Gaza do not apply."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has undertaken the difficult task of helping to shepherd a possible ceasefire. Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi, meanwhile, is playing a key role as an intermediary with Hamas, a group labeled by the U.S. as a terrorist organization. NBC's Stephanie Gosk reports.


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

National Bank All-In-One (HELOC) | RateHub Mortgage Blog

What is a home equity line of credit (HELOC)?

A HELOC allows you to borrow money from the equity in your home, but functions like a regular line of credit, so you can choose when and how much you want to borrow.

What is an all-in-one product?

An all-in-one product combines your chequing and savings accounts, a mortgage loan, and a home equity line of credit (HELOC) into one account.

What is the National Bank All-In-One?

The National Bank All-In-One is a product that consolidates all your bank accounts, so that your debt is offset by your chequing and savings accounts. Because all of your accounts are combined, the positive balances in your chequing and savings accounts offset the negative balances on your mortgage and home equity line of credit (HELOC), which helps save you from having to pay interest on the full amount owing.

What is the National Bank All-In-One interest rate?

The National Bank All-In-One has a variable interest rate of Prime + 1.00 per cent, which is currently 4.00 per cent.

The details

For a home equity line of credit, the maximum amount of credit you can access through the National Bank All-In-One is set by a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio. Like most Canadian financial institutions, the line of credit may not exceed 65 per cent of the value of the property.

The bank also offers something called Fixed Payment Options, which allows you to set the principal repayment amount according to your budget and cash flow. There are two options:

  1. A minimum payment: Only the monthly interest (and insurance premiums, if applicable)
  2. A fixed payment: A fixed payment each month, beyond the interest due

The National Bank All-In-One functions like a readvanceable mortgage. That means your credit limit increases dollar-for-dollar as you pay off your principal. For example, let?s assume your monthly payment is $500, of which $300 is interest and $200 is principal. The second you make your monthly payment, National Bank automatically increases your line of credit by $200.


  • No monthly fee for the main account
  • Each subaccount is $2.50/month
  • Minimum HELOC limit is $25,000
  • Can be used to finance a principal or secondary residence
  • One consolidated monthly statement (i.e. banking, savings, mortgage, HELOC, etc.)
  • Principal payments are readvanceable

Sample HELOC calculation:

  • The value of your property = $350,000
  • The outstanding balance on your mortgage = $150,000

The maximum available credit is calculated using a 65 per cent loan-to-value ratio:

$350,000 x 65% = $227,500

Then, you have to subtract your outstanding mortgage balance:

$227,500 ? $150,000 = $77,500

The maximum amount of equity you could pull from your home is?$77,500, using the National Bank All-In-One.

How the National Bank All-In-One works:

As mentioned before, because all of your banking accounts are combined into one account with subaccounts, any positive balances in your chequing and savings accounts would offset how much you owed on your home equity line of credit. Any incoming deposits (i.e. paycheques) would also offset how much you owe, for the amount of time the money stays in your account.

For example, let?s say you owe $70,000 on your home equity line of credit (HELOC) and you decide to deposit a $10,000 inheritance into your All-In-One account. For the amount of time that stays in your account, you would owe $10,000 less on your HELOC. Since interest is calculated daily, you would save on interest even if the inheritance only stayed in your account for a few days.

The final word

By combining all your debt into a home equity line of credit, you could save on a number of interest payments. For example, if you have a car loan at 5.00 per cent, a credit card at 11.00 per cent, and a big store credit card at 26.00 per cent, your combined debts would only be subject to the National Bank All-In-One interest rate of 4.00 per cent.

One drawback of an all-in-one product is that the interest rate on your mortgage is higher than the average 5-year variable rate, which is currently at 2.55 per cent. Subjecting your mortgage debt to National Bank?s 4.00 per cent rate reflects a premium of 1.45 per cent.

Overall, National Bank?s All-In-One is a product that provides ultimate convenience with accessibility to a home equity line of credit.


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Kosovo PM's ally to be tried again for war crimes

PRISTINA (Reuters) - A close ally of Kosovo's prime minister will be retried for war crimes, the Supreme Court ordered on Tuesday, six months after a previous prosecution collapsed due to the suicide of the main witness.

Fatmir Limaj, a senior figure in the Kosovo Liberation Army, whose fight against the rule of Slobodan Milosevic's Serbia in the late 1990s culminated in NATO air strikes against Serbia, is accused of killing and torturing Serbian prisoners.

He remains a prominent figure as a member of the Kosovo parliament and deputy leader of Prime Minister Hashim Thaci's ruling Democratic Party, which led Kosovo to independence from Serbia in 2008.

In May, Limaj was acquitted of ordering the killing of two Serb captives and torturing another at a makeshift prison in the village of Klecka in central Kosovo.

The not guilty verdict came after the chief witness, a former prison guard, died last year in Germany, where he had been sent by the European Union's police and justice mission for his own protection. He was found hanging from a tree in a park in what authorities said was suicide.

The court in the original case ruled that a written testimony by the guard, Agim Zogaj, known at the time as Witness X, was inadmissible. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court overturned that decision and ordered a retrial.

The court, comprised of a panel of judges from Kosovo and the EU mission (EULEX), "annulled the verdict of the first instance," EULEX said in a statement.

"The panel also ruled that the evidence of Agim Zogaj, also known as 'Witness X', is admissible," EULEX spokesman Nicholas Hawton said.

Limaj, who went by the nom de guerre of Celik (Steel), was acquitted in 2005 of similar charges at the United Nations war crimes tribunal in The Hague and was welcomed home as a hero.

Limaj also is facing corruption charges for the time he was a government minister from 2008 to 2010. He was indicted last week. He denies all charges.

(Editing by Matt Robinson and Robin Pomeroy)


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'Lincoln' director Spielberg speaks in Gettysburg

GETTYSBURG, Pa. (AP) ? With his new film about the 16th president in theaters, two-time Academy Award winning director Steven Spielberg was to make the keynote address during ceremonies that celebrate the 149th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address."

Spielberg's remarks at Soldier's National Cemetery in Gettysburg on Monday were to be accompanied by a recitation of the famous speech by a Lincoln re-enactor. Sixteen citizenship candidates from 11 countries were scheduled to take the oath of allegiance.

The event at Gettysburg National Military Park was expected to take about an hour, and was free. Previous speakers include presidents Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower, and former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge.

Carl Sandberg, in his biography of Lincoln, said it was a speech that conveyed the message that democracy was worth fighting for.

"It had the dream touch of vast and furious events epitomized for any foreteller to read what was to come," Sandberg wrote. "His cadences sang the ancient song that where there is freedom men have fought and sacrificed for it, and that freedom is worth men's dying for."

Gettysburg is where the U.S. military was able to stop an invasion of the North by Confederate troops under Gen. Robert E. Lee, a major turning point of the American Civil War. The 150th year since that battle will be marked in 2013, particularly around the battle's anniversary in early July.

"Lincoln," which stars Daniel Day-Lewis in the title role, concentrates on the period leading up to the president's assassination in 1865.

Lincoln gave the three-minute speech, which famously begins with the phrase, "four score and seven years ago," at the dedication of the cemetery four months after the battle.


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Monday, November 19, 2012

Palestinian civilian toll climbs in Gaza

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) ? Israeli aircraft struck crowded areas in the Gaza Strip on Monday, driving up the civilian death toll and in one case devastating several homes belonging to one clan ? the fallout from a new tactic in Israel's six-day-old offensive meant to quell Hamas rocket fire on Israel.

Escalating its bombing campaign, Israel on Sunday began attacking homes of activists in Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules Gaza. These attacks have led to a sharp spike in civilian casualties, killing 24 civilians in less than 24 hours, a Gaza health official said. Overall, the offensive that began Wednesday killed 91 Palestinians, including 50 civilians.

The rising civilian toll was likely to intensify pressure on Israel to end the fighting. Hundreds of civilian casualties in an Israeli offensive in Gaza four years ago led to fierce international condemnation of Israel.

Hamas fighters, meanwhile, have fired hundreds of rockets into Israel in the current round of fighting, including 12 on Monday, among them one that hit an empty school.

The new airstrikes came as Egypt was trying to broker a cease-fire, with the help of Turkey and Qatar. The Turkish foreign minister and a delegation of Arab foreign ministers were expected in Gaza on Tuesday. However, Israel and Hamas appeared far apart in their demands, and a quick end to the fighting seemed unlikely.

In Monday's violence, a missile struck a three-story home in the Gaza City's Zeitoun area, flattening the building and badly damaging several nearby homes. Shell-shocked residents searching for belongings climbed over debris of twisted metal and cement blocks in the street.

The strike killed two children and two adults, and injured 42 people, said Gaza heath official Ashraf al-Kidra.

Residents said Israel first sent a warning strike at around 2 a.m. Monday, prompting many residents in the area to flee their homes. A few minutes later, heavy bombardment followed.

Ahed Kitati, 38, had rushed out after the warning missile to try to hustle people to safety. But he was fatally struck by a falling cinderblock, leaving behind a pregnant wife, five young daughters and a son, the residents said.

Sitting in mourning with her mother and siblings just hours after her father's death, 11-year-old Aya Kitati clutched a black jacket, saying she was freezing, even though the weather was mild. "We were sleeping, and then we heard the sound of the bombs," she said, then broke down sobbing.

Ahed's brother, Jawad Kitati, said he plucked the lifeless body of a 2-year-old relative from the street and carried him to an ambulance. Blood stains smeared his jacket sleeve.

Another clan member, Haitham Abu Zour, 24, woke up to the sound of the warning strike and hid in a stairwell. He emerged to find his wife dead and his two infant children buried under the debris, but safe.

Clan elder Mohammed Azzam, 61, denied that anyone in his family had any connections to Hamas.

"The Jews are liars," he said. "No matter how much they pressure our people, we will not withdraw our support for Hamas."

Late Sunday, an Israeli missile killed a father and his eight-year-old son on the roof of their Gaza City home. The father, a Hamas policeman, was on the roof to repair a leaking water tank, his relatives said.

In another area of Gaza City, the patriarch of the Daloo family, Jamal, sat in mourning for 11 members of his family killed in a missile strike on his home Sunday. Among the dead were his wife, his son, daughter-in-law, his sister and four grandchildren. His face swollen from crying, he embraced relatives and neighbors paying their condolences.

The mourners sat in plastic chairs just meters away from bulldozers clearing the ruins of Daloo's home. His 16-year-old daughter Yara was still missing and believed under the rubble, family members said.

Daloo, who is left with two sons, tried to take comfort in the belief that the loss of his family was God's will and that the dead are now in paradise. He vehemently disputed Israel's initial claim that a senior operative of Islamic Jihad, a smaller sister group of Hamas, was hiding in his house. He said his son Mohammed, one of those killed, was a policeman in the Gaza police, but not an activist.

"The international public opinion witnessed the facts," he said of the tragedy that befell him. "This does not require my words."

Also Monday, Israel bombarded the remains of the former national security compound in Gaza City. Flying shrapnel killed one child and wounded others living nearby, al-Kidra said. Five farmers were killed in two separate strikes, al-Kidra said, including three who he said had been mistakenly identified earlier by Hamas security officials as Islamic Jihad fighters.

Other strikes killed two fighters on a motorcycle in southern Gaza and two passengers in a taxi that had put a press signs in the windshield, al-Kidra said.

In addition to 91 Palestinians killed over the past six days, some 720 were wounded, al-Kidra said.

On the Israeli side, three civilians have died from Palestinian rocket fire and dozens have been wounded. An Israeli rocket-defense system has intercepted hundreds of rockets bound for populated areas.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said 12 rockets had struck Israel by late Monday morning, including one that hit a school. Schools in southern Israel have been closed since the offensive started.

Israel launched the current offensive after months of intensifying rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, which continued despite the strikes.

In the night from Sunday to Monday, aircraft targeted about 80 militant sites, including underground rocket-launching sites, smuggling tunnels and training bases, as well as Palestinian command posts and weapons storage facilities located in buildings owned by militant commanders, the Israeli military said in a release. Aircraft and gunboats joined forces to attack Hamas police headquarters, and Palestinian rocket squads were struck as they prepared to fire, the release said.

In all, 1,350 targets in the Gaza Strip have been struck since the Israeli operation began. However, military activity over the past two nights has dropped off as targets change and international efforts to wrest a cease-fire plod ahead.

Israel and Hamas have put forth widely divergent conditions for a truce. But failure to end the fighting threatens to touch off an Israeli ground invasion, for which thousands of soldiers, backed by tanks and armored vehicles, have already been mobilized and dispatched to Gaza's border.

President Barack Obama said he was in touch with players across the region in hopes of halting the fighting. While defending Israel's right to defend itself against the rocket fire, he also warned of the risks the Jewish state would take if it were to expand its air assault into a ground war.

"If we see a further escalation of the situation in Gaza, the likelihood of us getting back on any kind of peace track that leads to a two-state solution is going to be pushed off way into the future," Obama said.


Associated Press writer Amy Teibel in Jerusalem contributed reporting.


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LA Galaxy knock out Sounders FC 4-2 on aggregate to advance to MLS Cup

You are here: Home / US Soccer / MLS / LA Galaxy knock out Sounders FC 4-2 on aggregate to advance to MLS Cup

The Seattle Sounders threw everything they had at the LA Galaxy in their bid, Sunday night, to overcome a three-goal deficit in the Western Conference Championship. An untimely penalty kick ended their dream.

Robbie Keane won and then converted a PK?midway through the second half as the Galaxy, dominated almost from start to finish by their hosts, advanced to a record eighth MLS Cup final and third in four years following a 2-1 defeat in front of 44,575 at CenturyLink Field.

LA, which won the series 4-2 on aggregate, will be home Dec. 1 against the Houston Dynamo in a rematch of last year?s championship game, which the Galaxy won 1-0.

The Sounders, in a near copy of last year?s first-round fightback from 3-0 deficit against Real Salt Lake, opened a 2-0 advantage on goals by Eddie Johnson in the 12th minute and Zach Scott in the 57th. They needed one more to pull even in the home-and-home series, but Keane?s penalty kick, following an Adam Johansson hand ball on the left endline, provided LA a cushion Seattle couldn?t overcome.

Seattle outshot the Galaxy 13-5, but they put only five on frame.

The Sounders, with Johnson at the forefront, were in charge from the opening whistle, playing with great energy and aplomb, dominating possession, winning most of the second balls and keeping LA?s backline on its heels for long stretches.

Johnson might have had a hat trick in the first dozen minutes. Fredy Montero, on the left wing at midfield, played him behind LA?s backline in the fourth minute, but he blasted over the net. He scored from Christian Tiffert?s feed in the 11th minute, but assistant referee Adam Wienckowski?s flag was raised ? incorrectly, judging from the replay.

Johnson finally got the goal a minute later. It started with a back and forth between the Galaxy box and the midfield circle, with Omar Gonzalez nodding forward a Brad Evans header and Scott first-timing it back into space. Johnson got position on Gonzalez, outbattled him into the box and left-footed past Josh Saunders.

Seattle nearly added to the lead four minutes later when Montero headed a Tiffert cross at Josh Saunders from close range, and the LA goalkeeper dived to push an Osvaldo Alonso drive past the right post in the 32nd.

The Galaxy didn?t threaten until the end of the half when Keane, after a give-and-go with Mike Magee, chipped into the goalmouth from the left endline but put it just fractionally too high for Edson Buddle. Moments later, Sounders defender Jhon Kennedy Hurtado handled a Magee shot from close range in the box, but referee Mark Geiger let play go on.

The Sounders nearly rallied from a three-goal deficit to RSL in a Western Conference semifinal last year, outshooting the Utah side 26-4, but they scored just twice and exited with a 3-2 aggregate loss. They got to 3-2 against LA 12 minutes into the second half, when Scott stepped in front of Buddle at the right edge of the 6-yard box to nod home Tiffert?s corner kick to the near post.

They continued to push forward in search of a third, but the game changed in the 67th minute. Keane, with the ball to the left of the goal, played a game of cat-and-mouse with Johansson, finally firing toward the net. The Swedish defender twisted at the ball, and it caught his left hand. Geiger pointed to the spot, and Keane stutter-stepped and rolled the ball up the middle, past diving goalkeeper Michael Gspurning, restoring LA?s two-goal cushion with 22 minutes left.

That?s all LA needed, and Seattle?s search for two more goals ? with Montero diving over a sliding Gonzalez trying to win a PK, Jeff Parke twice testing Saunders, and David Estrada forcing the keeper to parry a sharp shot in stoppage ? was fruitless.

Several Sounders, with Johnson and Alonso the most demonstrative, confronted Geiger at the final whistle as the Galaxy celebrated their conference title in the midfield circle. Alonso, who was cautioned after fouling Juninho in the 75th minute, received a second yellow for his actions and was ejected.



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Ariel Sharon's Son Calls for Genocide in Gaza (Little green footballs)

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

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Apple and HTC settle patent suit

Apple and HTC this evening in a joint statement announced they've settled their patent dispute and have agreed to a 10-year license of current and future patents. 

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Here's the joint statement, released by HTC and Apple:

TAIPEI, Taiwan and CUPERTINO, California—November 10, 2012—HTC and Apple® have reached a global settlement that includes the dismissal of all current lawsuits and a ten-year license agreement. The license extends to current and future patents held by both parties. The terms of the settlement are confidential.

“HTC is pleased to have resolved its dispute with Apple, so HTC can focus on innovation instead of litigation,” said Peter Chou, CEO of HTC. 

“We are glad to have reached a settlement with HTC,” said Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. “We will continue to stay laser focused on product innovation.” 


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War Garden Project to Build First Garden for Wounded Warriors on ...


War Garden ProjectFort Campbell, KY ? Victory Gardens, also known as War Gardens, were planted during World War I and World War II to help with the decreasing food supply. The Gardens were planted in backyards, alleys and vacant ots to help serve the need for food production and also provide a sense of pride for those family members who stayed at home.

The Screaming Eagle Foundation, in support of the War Garden Project, received a $10,500 grant from the Home Depot Foundation to implement a community garden and greenhouse that will be made available to the military community. The War Garden Project (WPG) is a project that brings gardening to military communities.

It will provide therapy to wounded warriors through the Warriors Transition Battalion, which in turn can refer soldiers to Occupational Therapists, Behavior Health and the Enhanced Warrior Fitness programs. Soldiers working in the garden will learn how to decrease stress, control anger and encourage socialization through the use gardening skills and techniques.

The War Garden will also be home to REROOT, a horticultural therapy program that uses live plants and gardening activities to improve a soldier?s mental, physical and spiritual aspects of life. The REROOT program is designed to help soldiers improve their abilities to do tasks, and help cope with the changes that have occurred sometimes unexpectedly, in their lives. Individual plots will be made available for use starting in 2013.

?We hope that the War Garden Projet will provide a garden environment to promote healing and rehabilitation for our Wounded Warriors,? said Dana Chango, Director, War Garden Project. ?This garden will also help improve the quality of life for our soldiers and families through hands on experiences.?

This Veteran?s Day weekend, November 9th and 10th, the final days of The Home Depot?s Celebration of Service, 100 Team Depot volunteers from eight stores will participate in building and prepping the garden, and building a shed. A Greenhouse will also be constructed on site to allow for year round gardening. The build will start at 8:00am Friday and Saturday.

An official groundbreaking will take place at 10:30am Saturday, November 10th at 2049 Indiana Avenue Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

Through Team Depot, this associate-led volunteer program, The Home Depot Foundation has provided opportunities for their associates and suppliers to contribute the home improvement know-how to create meaningful impact in communities.

During the 2nd annual Celebration of Service campaign that runs from September 11th to Veterans Day, The Home Depot associates are completing projects to transform the homes and lives of veterans across the country. During these tow months, their associates will complete more than 350 service projects to benefit veterans and their families.

This War Garden Project is a program supported by the Screaming Eagle Foundation and site for the garden has been provided by Campbell Crossing and Lend Lease. The first Garden as a part of the War Garden Project will be located behind the Werner Park Community Center on Fort Campbell, KY.

Information about The Home Depot Foundation can be found at




Campbell Crossing, Dana Chango, Fort Campbell KY, gardens, Groundbreaking, Home Depot Foundation, Indiana Avenue, Lend Lease, REROOT, Screaming Eagle Foundation, Team Depot, The Home Depot, Veterans, Veterans Day, Victory Gardens, War Garden Project, War Gardens, Warriors Transition Battalion, Werner Park Community Center, World War I, World War II, Wounded Warriors

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Stealth Survival: Fixed Blade Knife Options - The Pack Knife

Stealth Survival: Fixed Blade Knife Options - The Pack Knife skip to main | skip to sidebar

Fixed Blade Knife Options - The Pack Knife

While there are many choices when it comes to a fixed blade, not many present themselves as a viable option for EDC (everyday carry). Their size and bulk along with normally lengthy blades are just not well-suited for EDC purposes on an everyday basis. This is where what is sometimes referred to as a ?pack knife? can play an important role. Think of a pack knife as a sort of knife insurance. Having a few pack knifes will assure that you always have a fixed blade handy. I normally consider a pack knife as something that is used to prevent damage to a good knife when the need presents itself. It should also be cheap and inexpensive. And because it is usually a cheap knife, it?s also one that can be put in a pack and forgotten about until it?s needed. A good pack knife will usually be a short (4 to 5 inch), full tang fixed blade and usually be one with a cord-wrapped handle. This is what you will use as a screwdriver or to pry, hammer or chop with in order to prevent needless damage to one of your better blades. It also won?t be the end of the world (or your budget) if it gets broken or lost.? An inexpensive fixed blade with a full tang of moderate length that is kept tucked away in your various packs can help prevent the needless risk to your good blades by ?inappropriate? use. Staying above the water line!



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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Rihanna Denies Chris Brown Relationship Rumors, Names - Idolator

After premiering her ?Diamonds? music video last night (November 8), Rihanna sat down for a Facebook Live chat, hosted by Bravo?s Andy Cohen. The Bajan singer answered questions from some of her online fans for about 25 minutes. She covered everything from her inspiration (Madonna) to the title Unapologetic?to, uh, hoping that a certain part of her body is still defying gravity in 30 years.

Cohen also played his celebrity name association game with her, and when he tossed out the name Chris Brown, RiRi said ?he?s dope.? Ugh. Thankfully, when Cohen followed up by asking her if they?re together, she flatly denied that they?re in a relationship. Click through to watch all that, as well as the meaning behind the Breezy collaboration ?Nobodies Business? and why?Beyonce?makes Rihanna question her self-esteem.

[via Rap-Up]


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Friday, November 9, 2012

Telus profit lifted by wireless; dividend raised

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Tax hike for wealthy won't kill growth: CBO (reuters)

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New Sonic Games Speeding into 2013 | Video Game Blog, Video ...

Published: 09 November 2012 5:09 AM UTC

Posted in: News, Video Games

Tags: 2013, 3ds, Amy Rose, Dr. Robotnik, Eggman, ios, Knuckles, Mobile, new, News, Playstation 3, ps vita, PS3, sega, sonic, Sonic 4: Episode 3, Sonic Team, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails, toys, Video Games, Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360

While we?ve had spin-off title?Mario And Sonic At The London 2012 Olympic Games, and?Sonic And All-Stars Racing Transformed is just over a week away,?its been a while since we saw the stylish blue hedgehog appear in a proper adventure besides Sonic 4: Episode 2.

According to?Toys ?n? Playthings magazine, though, Sega?s European head of brand licensing Sissel Henno reveals that the hog will appear in both new retail and new downloadable games. Oh, and there?s a new toy brand launching:

?Over the next year there will be a big focus on the expansion of [Sonic licensed] toy distribution across Europe?.

?Similarly, we will also be growing the apparel, publishing and stationary categories. We will have several new digital titles launching as well as a new boxed game, so there will be plenty of opportunities to link marketing campaigns across games and merchandise.?

Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations were great comebacks for Sonic after years of bumpy rides. Could the downloadable title Henno hinted at be Sonic 4: Episode 3? If so, someone tell Valve that third episodic instalments are possible.

[Thanks Official Nintendo Magazine UK]

Article from

Related posts:

  1. Sonic Colors Speeding to Wii and DS
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  3. Sonic 4 Delayed
  4. Sonic 4 Release Date Revealed
  5. Sonic 4 Hitting All the Old-school Notes

About the Author

avatar My name is Reece, and I'm an aspiring writer from England. I've been into gaming since I was about 4 years old, playing the Game Boy, PSOne and Sega Mega Drive (Genesis to you Americans!). Having these systems around during my youth lead to the greatest and most-anticipated Christmas ever - the year I got my N64! Open to any system and genre, I remain completely unbiased as a proud owner of a Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 and 3DS. Come on Vita, give me more reasons to buy you too!My favourite games are Resident Evil 2, Zelda: The Wind Waker, Streets of Rage 2, Left 4 Dead, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Yoshi's Island. I also write news for You can catch me on Twitter:


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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Family Fun Activities + Chewy Chocolate Chip ... - blog

Since this time of the year is all about the holidays and spending time with the ones we love, I thought it would be fun to chat a little bit about some family night activity ideas. Our little family loves to find unique, fun and new activities to do a couple days out of the month, where we can spend some quality time with each other. One of our most recent ?adventures? was a Fall family hike. We live in Utah, so we have lots of great, kid-friendly hiking trails and beautiful nature to explore in our state.

Each state and city have it?s own unique features and attractions, that you might not even be aware of. When you?re planning your next family outing take a few minutes to talk to friends about things they love to do or even just Google the topic ?Things to do in <enter the name of your town/city>?. You?d be surprised at all the activities and fun places that pop up!

The great part about family activities, is that they can be centered around what your individual family likes to do. During our hike we encouraged our kids to find things along the way that they thought were neat, cool or pretty. From sticks and acorns to colorful leaves and pine cones, hunting for objects in nature was a lot of fun for them.

Our kids love art and being creative with found objects, so after the hike we came back to our house and with just a few inexpensive supplies like glue, paper and crayons, they thought of creative ways to use their new Fall ?treasures?.

Our family also has a major sweet tooth, so typically no activity night goes without a yummy treat. The Great Chewy Chocolate Chip cookie is one of our favorites, and baking them up together is something else that we can do as a family.

The Great Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie

2 cups of softened butter

5 cups of blended oatmeal

Cream butter, sugars, eggs, vanilla and salt together

Add flour, baking soda and baking powder

Prepare oatmeal by putting small amounts of oatmeal into a food processor and blending it until it turns into a flour-like?consistency.

Add blended oatmeal and chocolate chips.

*** you can add 1 cup of nuts at this point if you?d like ***

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

On an ungreased cookie sheet, make large golf ball sized cookies. Place 2 inches or so apart; flatten them a bit with your hand.

Cook for 8-12 minutes, or until cookies are still soft to the touch in the middle and slightly firm and golden brown on the edges. Do NOT over bake.

Transfer cookies from cookie sheet to a cooling rack or cold counter top immediately after they come out of the oven, to stop the cooking process.

Whether it?s playing a game and whipping up a yummy dessert at home, or exploring your city, I think that uninterrupted, one on one time with the people you love is SO important! It creates memories and moments to reconnect with each other through happy, casual conversation.

What are things that you love to do with your family? Need some good ideas? Listed below are 20 easy, budget friendly, fun family activities to help you get started!

Posted in Home Living, Other


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AllTrails Hits 1 Million Mobile Installs, Launches Retail Sales Of Its Map Kits

alltrails-logoAllTrails has built a comprehensive database of hiking, biking, and outdoor trails all over the world that its users can access on the go through its mobile apps. The idea is to become the definitive way for outdoorsy types to choose what outdoorsy things they'd like to do, and then use the app while out in the outdoors to get around. Now it's going retail.


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Time Warner 3Q earnings up on cable TV strength

NEW YORK (AP) ? Time Warner said Wednesday that its third-quarter earnings grew 2 percent, as a strong performance in its cable television channels offset declines in the Warner Bros. movie business following the final Harry Potter movie last summer.

Net income was $838 million, or 86 cents per share, higher than the 82 cents expected by analysts surveyed by FactSet. That compares with $822 million, or 78 cents a share, a year ago.

Revenue fell 3 percent to $6.84 billion, short of the $6.89 billion expected.

Television networks such as HBO and TBS saw 7 percent growth in the fees paid by cable and satellite distributors to carry the channels. The company said last month's extension of rights to carry Major League Baseball games will help it command higher fees as existing deals expire.

Time Warner said the success of "The Big Bang Theory" reruns on TBS is helping to lift the channel's entire schedule, as the network can promote new shows during commercial breaks. But the timing of certain sports events shown on Turner channels hurt advertising revenue, which fell 1 percent despite better rates in the U.S. It was also hurt by the shutdown of some channels overseas and by changes in currency-exchange rates, as ad sales made abroad converted into fewer dollars.

The Warner Bros. studio had a strong quarter with the release in theaters of the latest Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises." But that wasn't enough to match the comparison period in 2011, which benefited from "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" and license fees for "The Big Bang Theory" and "Friends" in reruns. The recent quarter saw an increase in video-on-demand revenue, much of it in licensing fees from Netflix Inc.

At the Time Inc. publishing business, revenue fell 6 percent as the company made less money from newsstand sales and advertising.

Time Warner Inc. also kept its outlook for the year. It said adjusted per-share profit will grow by a low double-digit percentage from $2.89 last year. The company said "Argo" was doing well in theaters this quarter, and it should get a boost from the long-awaited launch of "The Hobbit" movies next month.

On a conference call with analysts, CEO Jeff Bewkes identified challenges. He said the CNN news business benefited from coverage of the elections and Superstorm Sandy, but it needed ways to do well when there isn't breaking news. The Time Inc. magazine properties also face challenges transitioning to a digital world. Bewkes said the company will continue to control costs while trying to tap the magazines' brand recognition and access to consumer data to develop new products and advertising opportunities.

Time Warner's stock increased $1.09, or 2.5 percent, to $44.20 in midday trading Wednesday. Its share are near their 52-week high of $46.59 on Oct. 9. Its shares traded as low as $32.09 last November.


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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Regional Academy of Sport selection trial ? News ... - Tennis Australia

If you live in country Victoria and are over 11 years old, then you can try out for a Regional Academy of Sport tennis program that is supported by Tennis Victoria.

A selection trial will be held on Sunday 18 November 2012, 2pm, Bendigo Tennis Association.

For more information call Tennis Victoria on 03 8420 8420 or visit

Click the image below to view the flyer


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Nor'easter brings new misery to Northeast

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