Monday, August 27, 2012

China's software outsourcing business good brand i | momde

Lotus gourmet powder ( 600186) :circular economy price leader in May 8, 2008, international data company ( IDC ) issued China offshore software outsourcing market of 2008-2012 year forecast and analysis .
According to the report, China offshore service outsourcing market size and maturity are maintained strong growth momentum .2007 China offshore software outsourcing market dimensions amounts to 1970000000 dollar, than 42.
4% growth in 2006 ( RMB income according to the 2007 US dollar against the RMB exchange rate on the average ) .IDC predicts, to 2012 market dimensions to will reach 8950000000 dollar ,the 5 compound annual growth rate of 35.
3%. although Chinese software ( love shares, prices, information ) outsourcing business start late, but has shown a trend of rapid growth .China Outsourcing Market in its own advantage and attract people development speed to become India top competitor ,international agencies to regard China as a of Multi-National Corporation services and outsourcing business potential of emerging markets .
In the development of service outsourcing industry, China has be richly endowed by nature . The advantages of the Ministry of Commerce Institute of Multi-National Corporation He Manqing of research center vice director points out :in the service multinational investment in the spring tide, China has vigorously develop modern service industry .
The foundation of international transfer of service industry and to undertake basic conditions. After the reform and opening up 30 years of development, China already has a considerable economic strength and good economic environment ,the strategic adjustment of the economic structure ,further promote the service industry in the national economy status and the function ,coupled with high levels of information infrastructure and strong information technology industry support ,these are for the service outsourcing industry development provided a good external environment and infrastructure .
Meanwhile ,China in the education level has greatly improved ,with the popularization of high school ,college enrollment and other measures of the facts ,the high degree of talent increases ceaselessly .
According to the Ministry of education data, in 2008 the whole nation college graduates hit record 5590000 people ,640000 more than last year, amplitude is close to 13%. ,chairman and chief executive officer, Liu Tianwen thinks ,in the development of service outsourcing industry in China ,the human resource is the biggest advantage.
Although China service outsourcing industry has a strong competitive ability ,but also ought to see ,in the international market share of Chinese share with outsourcing capacity is not proportional .
According to the Booz Allen Hamilton report, India ,in the global outsourcing City Field account for 43% of the share, and China has 12% share. The wine is also deeply afraid of the alley .
China service outsourcing has many favorable conditions for development and a strong competitive strength ,but Chinese software industry lacks international influence brand. In 2008 April, the United States of America in Microsoft headquarters organized by &quot China business communication ;&quot ;.
Microsoft ,with native Chinese outsourcing partner dialogues spoke Chinese ,have very strong software outsourcing strength ,but because of the lack of brand ,which makes many Multi-National Corporation outsourced first think of India instead of China .
Due to the China service outsourcing industry is not familiar with foreign buyers ,miss &quot ;quality and cheap &quot ;.Chinese enterprises. Enterprises to create brand value which is a brand of economic times .
The United States brand value association president Larry Wright said :? &quot ;has market than to own the factory is more important, and have the market is the only way to have the dominant brand in the brand .
&quot ;often contains enormous value for service outsourcing .Industry, this is how they further tap the market potential of a golden key .The brand of the enterprise is behind the strength of the support .
fashion company CEO Chen Qi Thai said :&quot ;brand management is the most important consumer goods .This thing will be to buy a home, he is with your merchandise home ,not with your packing or other things back, so the product brand management the core.
&quot ;for service outsourcing industry ,its product is its service and its production results. China service outsourcing industry with the rapid development of the situation to create its own brand of outsourcing .
China base and R & D capability is very strong ,IBM ,HP ,Microsoft and so on these large multinational corporations have set up in China headquarters and R & D center is the so-called &quot ;first come, first served ,&quot ;a large part of China Outsourcing Enterprises Outsourcing share comes from these large Multi-National Corporation.
Po-yen President Wang Bin introduced :&quot ;good ,louboutin pas cher,large strategic customers generally have relatively stable demand ,basically these clients to support service operators operating architecture &quot ;so in China outsourcing business to these large customers make they were satisfied with the service &quot ;&quot ;later, these large customers to outsourcing business is sustainable procurement ,louboutin pas cher,also bring brand effect .
In China Outsourcing Enterprises Industry before 10, Neusoft ,evens ,Boyan ,iSoftStone etc. ,who possess such several large customers. Funds favor rapid development ,need increasing funds chain .
2006 years before ,China outsourcing business development had encountered from the capital bottleneck. In the rapid development of business at the same time ,the fund chain break ,so that enterprises in staff expansion and to undertake large-scale projects restricted.
In this period ,grasp the opportunity to enter into the wind ,to meet their own profit at the same time, the supply of funds ,management experience ,customer resources and other aspects for Chinese enterprises a lot of help.
In 2005, it gained associate investment and DCM jointly funded nearly 7000000 dollars in 2006 April .Subsequently ,it acquired Sequoia Capital ,associate investment and DCM combined with investment of $25000000 in 2006 July by financing ,led by Ventures Granite Global ,set the rich ,Intel ,IFC ,Dfj ,Mitsubishi UFJ securities and Sumitomo Xiang Haihui software ( International ) investment 30000000 U.
S. dollars. In 2006 September, Intel company to China the largest software outsourcing company Neusoft invested 40000000 dollars . 2005 ,iSoftStone acquired from wing Granville investment ,Eitomi Yasuke venture Endowment ,and then in 2007 obtained from wing Granville investment ,fund ,Eitomi Yasuke and Mitsui ventures totaled $45000000 in the second round of financing for software outsourcing industry by venture capital ,IDC China software and services research analyst Yu Qian thinks :venture capital investment very keen sense of smell ,they on China offshore software outsourcing enterprises in this industry wide development prospects.
Venture capital enter, not only to solve the financing bottleneck problem ,can also use their own advantages to promote outsourcing enterprises listed in acquired Sequoia ,Lenovo and other risk investment based on 12 December ,2007 Japanese thinking information technology company limited the success of American stock market the motherboard mm listed on the New York stock exchange ,has since become the Chinese software outsourcing industry is the first in the United States listed enterprises .
Prior to this ,there are many outsource companies listed on the .2004 international in Hongkong GEM listed .2007 year in May 10th ,Sinocom software group Limited by Share Ltd successfully landed in Hongkong main board .
2007 year in December 25th ,in 1996 the Neusoft group ( listed love of shares ,prices, information ) the overall city plan access to the China Securities Regulatory Commission has Conditional approval, convertible absorbed through the merger of Neusoft group to achieve the overall market .
But it is still listed in the industry caused great repercussions .Since China outsourcing enterprises first landed in America NYSE ,is also China outsourcing enterprises listed in the United States as the first single .
On the listing problem, VanceInfo President Chen Lifeng introduces to the reporter :in &quot ;the United States listed ,mainly taking into account the American investors to new economy investment ability and analysis ability some .
&quot ;at the same time ,can let the United States listed more customers to recognize China company.&quot ;we listed after the fact, to whole industry also played a role .It proves that &quot ;debuts at 9.
96 dollars ,than the issue price of $8.5, up $1.46 ,or 17.18%. but good times don ,because the United States sub-loan crisis and economic recession, the stock has declined ,and the last 3 months, stock prices rose sharply ,P / E ratio reached more than 30 times ,,the highest price of $13.
98 ,,significantly outperformed the Dow and Nasdaq index at the same time ,also exceeded many listed in the United States of India giant performance . In this regard ,VanceInfo President Chen Lifeng to think ,Listed at the beginning, investors in the company also do not understand ,thought it as outsourcing enterprises ,by the American economic downturn impact, stock price fluctuation can hardly be avoided .
But in fact it is the source of most of the business of foreign companies in China ,these operations with the Foreign Company in China ,by the United States sub-loan crisis is very small ;and ,China the outsourcing industry there is a big space ,development situation is generally good .
For it ,the past two quarter report is very good ,not only to the acceptance of Wall Street ,and beyond the expectations of investors ,proved that the company capacity ,thus obtained the confidence of investors ,the shares rose sharply .
However ,in the enterprise the development and brand in the process of creating the many challenges still exist in.2008, for the outsourcing of enterprises is very challenging year .International big environment is the United States market continued to decline ,the dollar depreciates ceaselessly, relatively increasing appreciation of the renminbi.
These mainly cheap labour to attract the employer of the service outsourcing industry is a a severe test. Although the service outsourcing business growth rate is very high ,but the profit level is relatively low ,this is because Most of China outsourcing enterprises mainly engaged in coding ,testing ,data entry and other low-end ,low value-added work .
At the same time, because the software outsourcing service the main settlement currency is dollars ,but the enterprise cost is mainly in Renminbi .The depreciation of the dollar ,Renminbi appreciation led directly to the software outsourcing service profit margin.
For these situation ,big software outsourcing companies and analysts hold an optimistic view IDC Chinese senior analyst Yu Qian to Chinese outsourcing industry foreground view is :&quot ;generally speaking ,despite the recession of American economy ,we should keep an optimistic estimate of.
&quot ;Beyondsoft President Wang Bin to express ,the appreciation of the renminbi is an irreversible trend in the short-term .There are some effects in the long term ,the outsourcing industry is a warning .
This will require the enterprises to enhance their competitiveness ,into the army high interest rates ,high value-added high-end market. For the depreciation of the dollar ,RMB appreciation of the current economic situation, the wave of the group of software outsourcing business general manager Eric Kong Lee is introduced: the tide is currently by expanding the scope of business ,improve value-added ,strengthen business ability ,and strengthen the overseas team building etc.
To avoid losses. And evens President Chen Lifeng expresses ,company business is mostly settled in Renminbi ,which forms a natural hedge ,so little effect of devaluation of US dollar on it .
Although the United States in order to save the increasingly sluggish domestic market and rising unemployment ,introduced restrictions on outsourcing motion ,the short term may have some effect ,but ,louboutin,in the long term, the United States this practice is prove futile .
IDC senior analyst Yu Qian of the view is :o utsourcing is the globalization of resource distribution results ,this trend is irreversible ,the government behavior to conform to the trend of economic development .
The United States economy on China effects can be said to be .It may be one divides into two. On the lower end of the outsourcing business caused great impact, require enterprises to improve the competitiveness ,the development of high-end business ;but on the other hand ,louboutin shoes,for saving cost requirements ,there will be more business outsourcing, the Chinese enterprise is a chance.
The whole American recession on China economy is to promote outsourcing industry integration is a process we can see ,the service outsourcing industry development is no longer simple cheap labor to undertake single outsourcing service Service industry ,with the development of the industry ,outsourcing has been deep into the employer ,a higher gold content .
Therefore ,,quality requirements to the far greater than the price ,the competition of the enterprise is how to provide more quality services ,delivered to the customer a beyond his expectation of services or products .
Enterprises with their own efforts and strength to establish a corporate brand .China outsourcing enterprises need to continue practicing internal strength of &quot ;&quot ;,increase the competitive ability of the enterprise .
The support of government outsourcing branding for service outsourcing industry ,the Chinese government has given strong support. In China eleven &quot ;five &quot ;economic development strategy,louboutin pas cher, the development of service outsourcing is one of the most important contents in.
2006 year ten National People passed by the four session of national economy and social development Eleventh Five Year Plan in point out clearly, want &quot to speed up the transformation of foreign trade growth mode ;&quot ;&quot ;construction of a number of service outsourcing base ,and ordered to undertake the transfer of international service industry &quot ;then in 2007 issued by the NPC and CPPCC government work report once again stressed the need to &quot ;vigorously developing international service outsourcing in China ,improve the development level of service industry &quot state ;.
Institute according to the spirit and instructions ,in 2007 the State Council promulgated on accelerating the development of service industry . some opinions of the relevant state ministries and commissions have made a series of development policy and planning ,one of the more important a Ministry of Commerce on the implementation of service outsourcing Qianbaishi engineering &quot ;&quot ;notice ,service outsourcing Qianbaishi &quot ;project objectives are: &quot ;&quot five ;&quot eleven ;during construction ,in the whole nation 10 must have the international competitiveness of the service outsourcing base city ,promote the 100 world famous Multi-National Corporation in the service outsourcing business is transferred to China ,breed 1000 achieved international qualification is large and medium-sized the service outsourcing enterprises, create favorable conditions ,the whole azimuth ( Offshore ) undertaking international service outsourcing business, and continuously improve service value ,achieve the 2010 service outsourcing exports in 2005 based on the quadruple .
,chairman and chief executive officer Liu Tianwen think ,&quot ;L R Qianbaishi project implementation ,on China has the very big promotion. There is a slogan is based on L Qianbaishi engineering to create R outsourcing enterprise.
&quot ;government in speeding up the service outsourcing base construction ,strengthen the service outsourcing industry development policy support ,plus On service outsourcing talent training ,improve the service outsourcing support services platform ,have done a lot of work ,from taxes ,subsidies ,personnel training ,infrastructure construction and other aspects of support ,to establish a set of relatively complete service outsourcing industry policy support system.
China outsourcing industry is still in the initial stage of development ,government policy support is still needs further improvement. In this respect ,we can draw lessons from the experience of India .
In India outsourcing industry development history ,was able to become world &quot ,&quot ;office ;and the India government vigorously support the outsourcing industry is inseparable. In addition to the outsourcing industry tax policy ,give aid to energetically ,in on the international market, the government of India and even personally for national service outsourcing for publicity .
The service outsourcing as a strategic industry to develop ,through the national platform ,on the India outer bag brand are thick and heavy in colours &quot ;&quot ;packaging. In summary India development experience ,the wave of the group general manager of Eric software outsourcing business Kong Lee said :the government of India has a very clear software outsourcing industry development target and program, very early in the service outsourcing trade goods of foreign trade promoted to the height ,and the And to concentrate their efforts to the international market .
From the employer ,first of all ,it is concerned with the host country political and economic environment ,and is a commercial environment ,infrastructure environment and so on, and the enterprise is integrated in the national investment environment before further consideration .
So for host country, to do first is to form a national voice ,face to the world for publicity, display the national strength and external package industry encouraged attitude. In this respect ,the Chinese government has taken note of this point ,and is a beneficial attempt in 2007.
The Dalian held &quot ;Fifth China International Software rendezvous &quot ;,Ministry of Commerce Trade in Services Division Deputy Director Dan Qingjiang said :&quot ;although in recent years China software enterprises have achieved great development ,but the international influence is not very also ,this and China trading powers do not match the position .
As soon as possible to establish Chinese outsourcing brands ,the Ministry of Commerce will work with the Ministry of finance ,Ministry of information industry and other departments concerned to study the formulation of encouraged to undertake the outsourcing in financial and other aspects of the support policy ,will be included in the catalogue for the guidance of foreign service outsourcing ,Multi-National Corporation to promote service outsourcing business transfer to China ,the inclusion of items And the enterprise must give preferential policies .
&quot ;May 19, 2008 to 21 ,the Ministry of Commerce to lead Neusoft ,soft ,,Boyan ,iSoftStone ,Fai ,Reith ,a letter will be top 20 information service provider representatives and Shanghai ,louboutin,Xi 2 national software export base representing a total of 92 people consisting of Chinese delegation in the United States ,in Washington at the Gartner Outsourcing Summit.
This exposition attracted ORACLE ,IBM ,CA ,Google ,NOVELL ,Intel ,Motorola ,HP and SIEMENS global companies such as Infosys ,Satyam ,Wipro ;enterprises such as India ;Canada ,Philippines ,Mexico and other countries delegation of about 1200 ginseng .
The Chinese delegation to the ChinaSourcing brand ,cooperation ,innovation attitude ,win-win debut Gartner summit. This is the Chinese delegation in second Gartner Outsourcing Summit. During this summit ,the Chinese government and enterprises to introduce participants to the investment environment of China and the development of outsourcing industry the advantage be richly endowed by nature ,louboutin,has caused great repercussions in the government to boost the participants .
Outsourcing brand building on it ,christian louboutin outlet,President Chen Lifeng also the proposal of China ,relevant government agencies can play a great role in the promotion ,to those linked to the government Or is in China the economic benefit achieved by multinational enterprises and groups for Chinese outsource companies in China as its development partners ,to the local enterprises to create more business opportunities .

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