Monday, September 10, 2012

How Do You Want Your Divorce in Colorado to Be Resolved?

Call on the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC for Experienced Assistance during Your Denver Divorce

[Posted on Oct 24]

As sad as it is, not all marriages experiencing problems can be saved. Sometimes it is simply best to just go your separate ways. Even if you are both in agreement to your divorce, it will not be easy. There are a number of laws to consider regarding your Denver Divorce, particularly if you have children. Contacting an experienced attorney to help you to sort through all the legal mumbo jumbo is critical. You have to ensure that you fully understand the implications of your divorce and how divorce laws will affect your specific case. The Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC can help you through your divorce.

We can provide you with an experienced Colorado Divorce Lawyer who will ensure that you fully understand current divorce laws. If you have children then you will need to understand child support and how this support is determined. Your attorney can help you to understand these laws including who pays support and how this support is calculated. Many things are considered when calculating child support. Things such as overnight stays with each parent, gross income, other child support responsibilities and other factors will be included in the calculation.

Even if you do not have children, an experienced Denver Attorney will ensure that you understand how to legally divide your property and assets and ensure that your rights are protected throughout your divorce proceedings. Splitting property and debts is not as easy as you may think. When you split your assets, you will need to consider who obtained those assets and if they increased the overall income. Your debts and other liabilities will also need to be considered. These things are not normally divided directly in half. Other things will need to be determined and simply saying that one spouse pays for this and the other pays for that is not how things will work.

There are many things to consider when filing for a divorce. Without the help of a skilled and experienced attorney, you could end up paying for debts that are not yours to pay or you could lose assets that should revert back to you. An experienced attorney from the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC will ensure that you understand how to proceed with your divorce and that you are protected throughout the proceedings. Feel free to read more on our website or contact us directly for a consultation today.

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Get Answers to Your Questions. Contact an Experienced Colorado Divorce Lawyer from the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC Today

[Posted on Nov 07]

A divorce brings about many emotions. If you are going through a divorce you may feel scared, angry and confused all at the same time. Knowing that your legal worries are taken care of is important. Choosing an experienced Colorado divorce lawyer is important in protecting yourself. The Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC can provide you with an experienced attorney to help answer your questions and prepare you for your upcoming divorce. We understand that emotions run high during divorces and our attorneys are compassionate and will stand by you throughout your ordeal. Whether you are filing for divorce or you are being divorced, you are sure to have questions that deserve answers.

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An Experienced Denver Family Lawyer from the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC Will Help You to Better Prepare for Your Divorce

[Posted on November 14]

Sometimes things happen in a marriage that cannot be undone. Divorce, while it may not be your first choice, may be the only thing left when your marriage takes a sour turn. If you are dealing with a divorce, having a qualified and experienced attorney by your side can help to make things a bit less confusing. If you are searching for an experienced Denver Family Lawyer, contact the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC. We have a number of experienced attorneys available who can help you to file the proper papers and answer your questions concerning your upcoming divorce.

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Contact the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC when You Need a Qualified and Experienced Denver Lawyer

[Posted on Nov 21]

The attorney you choose to represent you during a divorce should be available and able to answer any and all of your questions. Unfortunately many people choose attorneys that have little or no experience in dealing with divorces or other family issues. If you are going through a divorce, you need an attorney who is well-versed and knowledgeable of current divorce laws and can help you through this difficult period. You can find an experienced Denver Lawyer at the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC. Our attorneys have the experience and knowledge needed to protect your interests throughout your Colorado divorce.

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When It Comes to Professional and Experience Divorce Lawyers, Colorado Trusts the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC

[Posted on Nov 28]

When it comes to a divorce, hiring an experienced attorney is essential. Lawyers with little or no experience in dealing with divorce cases are much less likely to ensure that your rights and preferences are protected. When it comes to hiring experienced and qualified divorce lawyers, Colorado residents have learned to trust in the expertise of the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC. We offer a number of skilled and qualified attorneys who will help you to file for your divorce and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process. Our attorneys will answer all of your questions and ensure that you are fully prepared for your upcoming divorce.

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Colorado Springs Office Open!

Walking 1 300x162 How Do You Want Your Divorce in Colorado to Be Resolved? Denver divorce lawyer
We?re excited to announce the opening of our Colorado Springs Office this week! Located at 8610 Explorer Dr., at the northern end of the city, this office will allow us to better serve our Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Douglas County clients. Johnson Sauer, a family law firm specializing in divorce, custody and child support cases was already one on the largest family law firms in the region. With the addition of this new location, our growth continues thanks to the hard work and dedication of our attorneys and professional staff. We look forward to bringing our client-centered, professional services to these additional Colorado locations.

Learn More About Child Support Colorado from the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC

[Posted on Dec 05]

Going through any divorce is difficult. This is even truer when children are present. If you have children, there are child support issues that must be addressed prior to your final divorce decree. When it comes to Co child support, laws can be confusing. Understanding how to calculate child support amounts takes an attorney with skill and experience. The Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC has experience in helping to determine child support amounts and our attorneys can ensure that you fully understand how these amounts are calculated, what goes in to determining child support and what happens when support is not paid as ordered.

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Sorting out a Complicated Military Divorce

[Posted on Dec 12]

Denver?s premiere divorce law firm, Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC specializes in family law, divorce, custody and child support.? We are also very familiar with the issues surrounding a Military Divorce.? In other words, if you are in the military and are contemplating a divorce, we can help make the transition smooth and as painless as possible.? Of course we realize that no divorce is pain free, but we are experts in this area, and you can leave your legal worries to us as you work through your emotions surrounding the changes in your life.? Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC is very familiar with military divorce in Colorado and the laws that make a military divorce slightly more complicated.

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What to Look for in a Quality Denver lawyer

Chances are, if you are going through a divorce, or are contemplating one, and you live in the Denver area, you are trying to figure out what to look for in a Denver Lawyer.? You are wondering a million questions, from how much they are going to charge you to how qualified they are.? Can they address your concerns?? How long have they been practicing family law?

Every divorce has very different circumstances, from assets and liabilities, to child custody and alimony, income, unemployment, illness, disabilities, and geographical location of the parties.? You need a Denver lawyer who has experience dealing with cases similar to yours so that you know he or she will get the results you want and need at this time of your life. You also need a Denver lawyer who is familiar with Colorado divorce laws.

The attorneys at Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC have been representing clients in family law matters since 1994.? All of the attorneys in the firm are committed to providing clients with professional and high quality representation.? You can click through each attorney?s bio to determine which lawyer can best meet your specific needs, based on their experience.? You can even see how former clients have rated the attorneys based on the quality of service they feel was provided to them.? After you?ve browsed the blogs, check out our Home page where you can find information on costs, fees, sample retainers, and you can click to find out how to get a free consultation.


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Military Divorce ? Your Questions Answered

If you are considering divorce, you are obviously going through a very difficult time in your life.? You are probably wondering what will come next, what to expect, how your finances will get sorted out, and possibly what custody agreements will be reached between you and your spouse.? If you are in the Military Divorce is even slightly more complicated, because of military compensation and retirement pension monies that will likely end up divided between the parties.

Custody becomes more complicated with a military divorce as well.? As the service member becomes stationed in different areas of the country or world, it may be increasingly difficult to sort out a reasonable visitation plan that works for all parties involved.? Although it may seem overwhelming at this time, it is possible to come to a suitable arrangement that is, most importantly, focused on the emotional well-being of the children.

Military divorce or not, this is definitely going to be one of the most trying times in your life.? If you are wondering about fees, costs, retainers, the divorce process, child support, alimony, or many of the other issues that divorce entails, you need to contact a Denver Attorney today.? Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC is a leading family law firm in the Denver area.? Contact our office today by calling (303) 394-3030. Put your mind at ease and let us handle your divorce.?


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Let Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC Handle Your Colorado Divorce

[Posted on Dec 19]

If you are getting a divorce in Colorado, you need to hire the most competent Colorado divorce attorney you can find.? You want to know what you are getting up front, what kind of services they specialize in, how much experience they have, and how much this whole thing is going to cost you.? It is likely that money is first and foremost on your mind right now, and it should be.? You are wondering how you will be able to pay your bills without your spouse?s salary, will you have to take a second job, and how much will a divorce lawyer cost?

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Get the Answers You Need about Colorado Divorce Laws Today.

[Posted on Dec 26]

If your marriage is suffering, you probably have a million questions surrounding the possibility of a divorce. Colorado divorce laws can be complicated and it is important that you understand them as you move forward in this process. To have a misunderstanding of the laws may cost you time, money, effort, emotions, and other valuable resources. Many people have distorted understandings of what is involved when it comes to divorce. Things are never as simple as they seem. There are many factors that go into deciding all aspects of a divorce agreement.

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Johnson Sauer Legal Group Rated As Top Family Lawyers in Colorado

[Posted on Jan 02]

If you?re facing a major life change such as a separation or divorce, one of the top things on your mind is probably wading through all of the Lawyers Colorado that could possibly handle your case. If you have never experienced anything like divorce before, you probably have little idea what to look for in a divorce attorney. It is very important at a delicate time like this, that you do not take this decision lightly and that you choose your divorce lawyer wisely. This is not a time to try to take the cheap way out. Make an investment in a high quality lawyer so that the end results will be beneficial to you.

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With Our Consultation, Your CO Child Support Questions Can Be Answered

[Posted on Jan 09]

If you?re going through a divorce in Colorado and you have children, you naturally have many questions about custody, visitation and child support. As a parent, the very first thought that enters your mind when contemplating divorce, is "How will this affect my children?" You may find yourself wondering how you will be able to support your children on one salary. The last thing that you want is for your children to suffer because of your divorce. At Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC, we can answer all of your Co Child Support questions so that you are well informed as you move through the divorce process.

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We Strive To Answer All of Your Colorado Divorce Questions

[Posted on Jan 16]

If you have filed for a Colorado divorce, or if you are considering filing for one, you are likely to have many questions about the divorce process. Since the process usually proceeds quite quickly, you could be left stunned and confused if you don?t educate yourself about what to expect. Colorado divorce starts with filing a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. This petition will be served on your spouse who will then be able to respond to it with a formal Response to Petition. In the Petition you will have to address the following matters: assets, debt, alimony, child support, visitation, custody, decision-making and attorney fees.

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We Can Help You through Your Divorce in Colorado

[Posted on Jan 23]

The divorce process is never simple, but if you are going through a divorce In Colorado, the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC is an extremely highly revered team of family law attorneys who can help you through the process. It is important that you understand the Colorado divorce process, filing rules, costs and your rights involved in your divorce. Our attorneys will walk you through the whole process so that you know what to expect every step of the way.

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Get Help Understanding Colorado Child Support Laws with Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC

[Posted on Jan 30]

Colorado Child Support laws can be somewhat confusing to understand without the help of an experienced family law attorney on your side. You may be very concerned as you are going through your divorce, wondering how you will support yourself and your children without the financial help of your spouse. Colorado child support laws are on your side if you are the parent of primary residence, and the parent who the children do not live with will be required to pay you support monies in order to maintain the lifestyle your children have been accustomed to.

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You Need an Experienced Family Law Attorney to Handle Your Military Divorce

[Posted on Feb 06]

If you are going through a divorce, nothing about the situation probably feels easy, but if one of the parties is a member of the military, it may seem quite complicated. Because of the military compensation that the service member receives, it may seem overwhelming to the parties involved to begin sorting out the financial aspects of your Military Divorce. However, with the help of the attorneys at Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC, all aspects of your divorce will be handled with ease. Our attorneys are experienced military divorce lawyers.

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Looking for a Divorce Lawyer in Colorado? Johnson Sauer Legal Group Is Here to Help.

[Posted on Feb 13]

When you?re faced with an impending divorce, making decisions can suddenly seem confusing and overwhelming. Looking for high quality family Lawyers in Colorado can add to your already stressed state of being. Let us help by telling you that we are an experienced Colorado family law firm. We have experience helping many people through divorces. We have been trusted by our clients for many years and we care about our clients very much. We are also known as an aggressive litigation team, so we will get the results that you are looking for.

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We Have the Denver Attorney Who Can Help You Through Your Divorce

[Posted on Feb 20]

When you are going through such a serious change in your life as a separation or divorce, you need an experienced Denver Attorney to help you wade through all of the details surrounding your divorce. Chances are that you?re stressed and overwhelmed at the prospect of finding a good Denver attorney, but have no fear. The attorneys at Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC are part of an experienced Colorado family law firm who represents clients in the Denver area.

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When You Are Going Through a Divorce, You Need a Denver Lawyer You Can Trust

[Posted on Feb 27]

If you are just starting the divorce process, you probably have about a million questions that you want to ask a Denver Lawyer.? One of the most important roles your divorce attorney will play is to ensure that you understand the steps involved in your divorce process.? You must take the time to find the divorce attorney that you feel comfortable working with and sharing personal information with.? Ask questions anytime you are confused about something, and a good Denver lawyer will be there to answer anything.

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We Can Help You through Your Military Divorce

[Posted on Mar 05]

If you are going through a divorce, or contemplating entering into the divorce process, and you or your spouse is or was a member of the military, you may be wondering if a Military Divorce is more complicated than a standard divorce. The truth is, that yes, a military divorce can add certain financial complications to the divorce process that an otherwise standard divorce would not entail. The attorneys at Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC are all experienced family law attorneys in the Denver area and they all have experience dealing with divorce where one or more of the parties was a member of the military.

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Your Colorado Divorce Lawyer Is Just a Phone Call Away

[Posted on Mar 12]

Are you contemplating filing for divorce? Perhaps you have already discussed a separation with your spouse, and the process is already in motion. If your spouse has already filed for divorce, you may be wondering what to do now. This time in anyone?s life can be rather disconcerting and upsetting, and the first thing that you need to do is find a qualified and experienced Colorado divorce attorney. Some people mistakenly think that representing one?s self in court simply cannot be that difficult, and so they undertake the task alone only to end up in financial ruin at the end of their divorce trial.

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When You Need a Denver Lawyer with Experience, Contact Johnson Sauer Legal Group

[Posted on Mar 19]

At the time of your life when you are contemplating going through a divorce, you need as much support behind you that you can possibly get. Ask for emotional support from your family and friends and make sure you have someone to talk to as you go through this difficult time. You may even wish to consult with a counselor or therapist, if you aren?t already doing so. Additionally, you?re going to need a high-quality Denver Lawyer by your side throughout the divorce process to ensure that the marital agreement is appropriate and fair.

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Get Your CO Child Support Questions Answered When You Schedule a Free Consultation

[Posted on Mar 26]

Going through a divorce when you have children can be one of the most difficult times of your life, and brings up multitude of questions about finances. It is hard to imagine supporting a family on one income instead of two, and you need an experienced divorce attorney to help you understand the laws surrounding Co Child Support and divorce. Colorado divorce laws dictate how much you will be entitled to receive for child-support as well as alimony. You are entitled to have financial support for your children. Rest assured that your spouse will be required to help you meet your children?s financial needs.

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If You Need Help With Your Divorce, Colorado Firm Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC Can Help

[Posted on April 02]

One of the most difficult and emotionally challenging times in anyone?s life is going through a separation or divorce. The end of a marriage is an extremely complicated and difficult time for anyone to handle. There are many questions and concerns that arise during the process, including questions about financial survival and the well-being of children and assets. For help with your divorce, Colorado family law experts at the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC are an aggressive team of litigators who can handle any family law matter with expert ease and can help you understand the divorce process.

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When a Military Divorce Gets Complicated, You Need the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC

[Posted on April 09]

The attorneys at Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC are all experienced family law attorneys representing clients in their Colorado court cases with astounding success rates. They specialize in complicated divorces, including military divorce and divorces with excessive assets, liabilities or disputes. If you are looking for information about or an attorney who can help you with your military divorce proceedings, you have come to the right place. As you have discovered by now, no divorce is fun and it is probably something that you wish you did not have to go through, but a military divorce can add a degree of complexity to normal divorce proceedings.

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Schedule Your Free Consultation and Get Your CO Child Support Questions Answered

[Posted on April 16]

Many times, Colorado child support guidelines can be confusing and overwhelming when you first begin the divorce process. In order to fully understand all of the laws surrounding CO child support and spousal support, you need a quality family attorney who is experienced in the areas of child support and alimony. The Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC is a firm of extremely experienced and aggressive litigators who specialize in family law matters ranging from child custody to military divorce. They have a lot of experience dealing with child-support, alimony, visitation and children?s rights.

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Military Divorce Presents Complications for Many Separated Couples

[Posted on April 23]

Although it is true that no divorce is an easy divorce, the complications and added difficulties associated with a Military Divorce are real and challenging. It can be difficult to find an experienced attorney to handle all of the details involved in a divorce where one or more of the parties is a member of the military. You are in luck because all of the attorneys at the Johnson Sauer Legal Group have experience dealing with the financial complications of separating assets and liabilities during a military divorce. We are a family law divorce team with experience in virtually every type of family law matter.

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Your Denver Attorney Will Fight For Your Rights

[Posted on April 30]

The Johnson Sauer Family Law Firm is a Denver based law firm that will fight for you in one of life?s toughest moments. If you?re in the middle of a difficult divorce life can be excruciating enough without having to deal with all the legal jargon that you?re unfamiliar with. Find your Denver attorney at The Johnson Sauer Family Law Firm and let him take care of all your legal needs so you can get on with your life.

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The Johnson Sauer Legal Group is the Number One Choice for A Denver Lawyer

[Posted on May 07]

Are you in the middle of a divorce? Is the battle for the right to see your children one that seems like it will never end? At The Johnson Sauer Legal Group you have a friend on your side. We will work with you to make sure your family receives the least amount of interruption and hassle as possible. We know this can be one of the most difficult times in your life, so why make your choice of Denver Lawyer anything but the very best?

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The Johnson Sauer Family Law Firm Is Your Solution to Problems with Child Support in Colorado

[Posted on May 14]

The Johnson Sauer Family Law Firm is a Denver based law firm that will fight for you in your quest for child support in Colorado. If you?re in the middle of a difficult divorce life can be excruciating enough without having to deal with all the legal jargon that you?re unfamiliar with. Let the skilled attorneys at The Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC take care of all your legal needs so you can get on with your life.

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Colorado Divorce Rate Drops With the Economy

[Posted on May 21]

The Colorado divorce rate is dropping, in line with worsening economic conditions. The divorce rate in Colorado has dropped to 4.2 percent per 1,000 people, which has happened only once in the past twenty years.? In 2007, the Colorado divorce rate was 4.4 percent, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. The latest data available are from 2009, and that news isn?t good. Lawyers, investment advisers and marital therapists, all professions familiar with divorce, claim the drop is simply due to the fact that people can?t afford to maintain two households, pay alimony or child support or pay an attorney to get a divorce.

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What to Look for in a Quality Colorado Divorce Lawyer

[Posted on May 29]

Many people don?t know what to look for when it comes to choosing a Colorado divorce lawyer, simply because this is something that they never imagined going through and had not thought about before. Divorce is something no one plans for or wishes for, but if the inevitable does happen and you find yourself in the middle of what may turn into a divorce, you will need to know what to look when choosing an appropriate attorney to help you through the process, explain divorce laws to you and make sure that you will be okay after the divorce is over.

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Search Tips for Finding Top-Notch Lawyers in Colorado

[Posted on June 04]

Anyone looking for dependable Lawyers in Colorado has probably seen about a thousand or more repetitive endorsements for lawyer services everywhere they turn. How are you supposed to know which ones are legitimate and which ones are all hype? How do you tell if the attorneys will overcharge you and if they know what they are doing in the courtroom? Here are a few things to look for when you are beginning your search for legal representation in Colorado, regarding a family law matter such as divorce, adoption or child custody.

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Looking for Experienced Family Lawyers in Colorado?

[Posted on June 11]

Family Lawyers in Colorado may be something that you?re looking for if you are involved in a domestic court case, such as a divorce, child custody dispute, domestic violence case, visitation debate, adoption case and more. It can be hard to discern which attorneys are in the legal field for all of the right reasons and none of the wrong ones. You must do your research before hiring anyone to handle this very important life-changing matter. Everyone should take hiring an attorney very seriously and do their homework before signing an agreement.

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Let Us Help You Answer Your Colorado Divorce Questions

[Posted on June 18]

Everyone who is going through a divorce has about a million questions that they want answered. A divorce is an extremely trying time in anyone?s life and is fraught with worry and stress. You?re not only leaving your spouse, but you are leaving a lifestyle, and possibly a home and children as well. This can be extremely stressful and trying on any individual and most people want to reach out for an attorney at this point but do not know where to turn. If you are contemplating or have been served in a Colorado divorce matter, you want the best attorney working with you so that you can understand the process and be happy at the end of it.

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Do You Need Help with a CO Child Support Matter?

[Posted on June 25]

Every divorce case is different, and if children are involved, it is guaranteed that both parties are extremely interested in Co Child Support calculations, while for different but equally important reasons. It is important to have a reliable lawyer who fully understands all of the child support guidelines and calculation strategies used in Colorado courts so that you are paying or receiving fairly. At a time like this, it is important to keep the children in the forefront of your mind, as what is best for them is the most important thing.

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Looking for a Denver Attorney with Experience?

[Posted on July 02]

Anyone who is in the middle of a legal dispute understands the value of an attorney with the appropriate experience. Anytime you are searching out a professional to provide a very important service that involves such a delicate matter in your life, relevant experience is not only preferred, but is in fact required. Searching for an appropriately experienced Denver Attorney to handle your divorce is something that can be a long and drawn out procedure. Fortunately, you have landed here, at the Johnson Sauer Legal Group.

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Your Military Divorce Questions are Important to Us

[Posted on July 09]

Here at the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC, we know that when you are entering into a Military Divorce, or any type of divorce for that matter, you are understandably full of questions about your future.? That is what we are here for. We are the professional family law firm that you need at a time like this because we have an extremely talented team of attorneys working for us. We will make sure that all of your questions get answered in order to put you at ease as you move through a delicate and possibly traumatic or financially devastating time of your life.

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Colorado Divorce Lawyers with Compassion?

[Posted on July 16]

Finding a divorce lawyer with a great deal of compassion combined with fire in the courtroom is not always an easy thing to do.? Of course, you want someone helping you through this time in your life who actually cares about the outcome of your court case. To hire the right Colorado divorce attorney, you?ve got to look in the right firms, and luckily you found us at the Johnson Sauer Legal Group.? We are notoriously forceful and aggressive in the courtroom to ensure that you get what you need, and we are also well-known for our caring and compassionate interactions with all of our valuable clients.

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Military Divorce can be Handled Easily by The Johnson Sauer Legal Group

[Posted on July 23]

While it?s true that going through divorce is going to be tricky and emotionally upsetting, if you have the right attorney working by your side, you can get through even a Military Divorce and end up okay. The end of a union is never something to celebrate and can be quite difficult and complicated, especially when it involves a member of the military. For help working out the details of your divorce or family law matter, The Johnson Sauer Legal Group is the team of lawyers that you want working for you. Not only are we well known for our knowledge in the many in areas of family law, but we are also known as aggressive litigators in the courtroom.

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Denver Lawyers Who Care Work at the Johnson Sauer Legal Group

[Posted on July 30]

When you are faced with a family law legal matter, you are going to want to look for a Denver Lawyer who is empathetic and sympathetic to your situation and who is not going to try to steamroll through your opinions. When you want a lawyer who has a caring side as well as an aggressive side in the courtroom, come to The Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC and you will not be disappointed. We are firm of attorneys who address and represent clients in family law matters of all types. We can handle your military divorce, standard divorce, domestic violence, adoption, custody battle, child-support issues and more.

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Not all Lawyers in Colorado are Created Equal

[Posted on Aug 06]

If you think that all Lawyers in Colorado are the same, you haven?t met the attorneys at the Johnson Sauer Legal Group yet. We are a team of family attorneys that stands out due to our deep passion for serving others and making sure justice is served in the family law arena. Our team of lawyers is not motivated by money or fame, indeed we are only motivated by the happiness of our clients and the results of our efforts. We do not overcharge for our services, and we can be reached easily and we return calls regularly. This is how we stand out among other law firms.

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If You?re Searching for a Trustworthy Denver Attorney, Your Search is Over!

[Posted on Aug 13]

A trustworthy Denver Attorney is now just a phone call away. While this may have been something you never thought possible, you have found the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, and we are a long trusted team of family law attorneys who has built up quite a reputation in the Denver area with our clients and in the court system. We always come through for our clients and we do what is in our clients? best interests. We have nothing but good reviews and have great relationships with many judges in the area. We would like to help you through your next family law matter.

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Are You Wondering How to Find the Best Lawyers in Colorado?

[Posted on Aug 20]

If you want the best Lawyers in Colorado working for you on your family law matter, congratulations on finding the Johnson Sauer Legal Group. Our group of family law attorneys includes: M. David Johnson, Joshua Sauer, Jason Marquez, Brandi M. Pettersen, Robert Pomper, Nate Bucar, and Gayle Moser. You can read our attorneys? bios on our website with a simple click of the mouse so that you can read details about each attorney working here, including: any awards they have won, details about their education, their email address, direct phone number, and client reviews. Each attorney is given a rating of 1 to 5 stars, giving you a good idea of the impression they have made on their former clients.

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Tips for Finding the Best Denver Attorney for Your Needs

[Posted on Sep 03]

Finding the Denver Attorney that meets all of your needs and that you feel comfortable with is not always the easiest thing to do, but it is of the utmost importance for your success in your divorce case. There are a few helpful hints that can guide you in the right direction when looking for an attorney to handle all of your divorce case requirements. This list will help you know where to begin and give you a good idea of what you should be looking for in a family law attorney. The first thing to look for is a well-established firm that specializes in family law specifically and has been representing clients for a reputable number of years.

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How Do You Want Your Divorce in Colorado to Be Resolved?

[Posted on Sep 10]

When you envision the end of your Divorce In Colorado, do you picture a happy and resolute ending or one full of strife and conflict? If you would prefer to settle all of the conflicts involved in your divorce prior to signing the final paperwork, partner up with a divorce team with the experience required to get you the results that you want. The team you are looking for is right here at the Johnson Sauer Legal Group, LLC. Our firm is a longtime group of family law attorneys with an extremely high level of ethics and understanding for all of our clients combined with a high level of success when sitting or standing before a judge.

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