Tuesday, July 9, 2013

'Dexter' is 'perfect'?! 4 big moments this week


23 hours ago

People need to stop hatin' on serial killers! That's the takeaway from "Dexter" this week, anyway. The way Dr. Vogel fawned over Dexter Morgan, you'd think he broke into people's houses at night to deliver toys (olive-green henleys are the new Kris Kringle costume) instead of murdering folks.

But from the point of view of the neuropsychiatrist (whose perspective may be a bit clouded after keeping company with psychopaths all her life), we should be giving Dexter, not Santa Claus, milk and cookies for "making the world a better place."

Here are the four biggest moments from "Every Silver Lining" -- which also marked star Michael C. Hall's directorial debut!

1. Home movies: Dr. V videotaped all her sessions with Harry Morgan, proof for Dexter that she'd been shaping his destiny since he was a boy. And unlike his horrified and conflicted father, Vogel is downright proud of the man -- or "alpha wolf" --- he became. Dexter and his cohorts in crime are "an indispensable demographic" helping "the human race become civilized," she argued. And who are we to argue? We've been rooting for the vigilante for more than seven years now! Still, we might have to draw the line at calling him "perfect."

Image: Dexter, Dr. Vogel

Randy Tepper / Showtime

As far as Dr. Vogel is concerned, Dexter is exactly what this world needs.

2. Brain teaser: But Vogel has an ulterior motive behind her sick sweet talk: She needs Dexter's help because Miami's latest serial killer, dubbed the Brain Surgeon, is leaving trophies on her doorstep. And not just bits of his victims' brains -- also a DVD proving that the murdered suspect, Sussman, was coerced into killing the last victim.

Image: Miami Metro detectives

Randy Tepper / Showtime

The "Brain Surgeon" isn't giving the detectives a fully intact victim.

3. Brother in arms: Unlike Vogel, Deb doesn't want Dexter's help -- but she sure needs it. She found Briggs' stolen jewels in a storage unit (Miamians sure do like their storage facilities!), but El Sapo followed her and absconded with them -- and her gun -- after an epic fight. Worse, he's later found murdered in his car, which contains traces of her blood and her firearm in the glove compartment. To save his sister, Dex replaced her gun in the evidence room.

Image: Deb

Randy Tepper / Showtime

Deb hit yet a new low, but this time, Dex was able to help -- a little.

4. Sergeant Quinn: Speaking of stealing evidence, Quinn is finally getting some story lines that don't revolve around hangovers and dirty policing. Unfortunately, one of them is the old "sergeant's exam" plot. (See: "The Wire," "Homicide," etc.) Unfortunately, he and Batista (his future brother-in-law?) are still steps behind both Dexter and P.I. Deb, so it's debatable whether he deserves to be promoted from Deputy Dawg.

Image: Quinn

Randy Tepper / Showtime

Surprise! Quinn's story line this year doesn't involve being a dirty cop -- but he's still not the smartest one.

Killer sound bites:

  • "I don't take requests." -- Dexter when Vogel asks for his help
  • "Miami makes more corpses than sunburns." -- Dexter
  • "You're exactly what you need to be, Dexter: You're perfect." -- Vogel, whose infatuation with Dex is almost creepier than his sister's

What do you think Dr. Vogel's up to? Will she blackmail Dexter if he doesn't go along with his plans?

Source: http://www.today.com/entertainment/dexter-morgan-perfect-four-biggest-moments-latest-episode-6C10553862

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